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您现在的位置:网校头条 > BEC商务英语 > 2020年北京新东方在线同声传译培训机构模拟练习题


来源:网校头条 2020-04-14 09:06:46

  THE Belgian blue is an ugly but tasty cow that has 40% more muscle than it should have. It is the product of random mutation followed by selective breeding-as, indeed, are all domesticated creatures. But where an old art has led, a new one may follow. By understanding which genetic changes have been consolidated in the Belgian blue, it may be possible to design and build similar versions of other species using genetic engineering as a short-cut. And that is precisely what Terry Bradley, a fish biologist at the University of Rhode Island, is trying to do. Instead of cattle, he is doing it in trout. His is one of two projects that may soon put the first biotech animals on the dinner table.
  Belgian blues are so big because their genes for a protein called myostatin do not work properly. Myostatin is a hormone that regulates muscle growth. Disable its action and muscles will grow in parts of the anatomy where other animals do not even have them.
  Dr Bradley has launched a four-pronged attack on the myostatin in his trout. First, he has introduced into them a gene that turns out a stunted version of the myostatin receptor, the molecule that sits in the surface membrane of muscle cells and receives the message to stop growing. The stunted receptor does not pass the message on properly.
  He has also added two genes for non-functional variants of myostatin. These churn out proteins, and those proteins bind to the receptors, but they do not tweak them in a way that passes the message on. They do, however, swamp and dilute the effect of functional myostatin molecules.
  Finally, he has spliced in a gene that causes overproduction of another protein, follistatin. This binds to myostatin and renders it inoperative.
  The upshot of all this tinkering is a trout that has twice the overall muscle mass of its traditional counterparts. Moreover, this muscle is low in fat, like that of its bovine counterparts. That, and the fact that the animal’s other organs are unaffected, means it does not take twice as much food to grow a fish to maturity.
  The genetic engineers at Aqua Bounty, a company based in Waltham, Massachusetts, have taken a different route using a different species. They are trying to grow supersize salmon by tinkering with the genes for growth hormone.
  位于马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆的Aqua Bounty公司的基因工程师们用另一种鱼类,采用其它的方式进行了试验。他们采用基因随机改变生长激素的方法来产生超级鲑鱼。
  Two snippets of DNA are involved. One, taken from a relative of the cod called the ocean pout, promotes the activity of the gene that encodes growth hormone. The other, taken from a chinook salmon, is a version of the growth-hormone gene itself. Unmodified salmon undergo a period of restricted growth when they are young. In combination, these two pieces of DNA produce growth hormone during that lull, abolishing it. The result is a fish that reaches marketable size in 18-24 months, as opposed to 30 months for the normal variety.
  It is one thing to make such fish, of course. It is quite another to get them to market. First, it is necessary to receive the approval of the regulators. In America, the regulator in question is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which Aqua Bounty says it has been petitioning for more than a decade and which published guidelines for approving genetically engineered animals in 2009. Aqua Bounty has now filed its remaining studies for approval, and hopes to hear the result this year. Dr Bradley has not yet applied for approval.
  当然,研究出这种鱼是一回事,让这种鱼能够进入市场又是另一回事了。首先,必须得到监管机构的批准。在美国,相关的监管机构是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)。Aqua Bounty公司说这十几年的时间里一直在递交申请,而FDA也在2009年发布了批准转基因动物的指导方针。Aqua Bounty公司已经提交了其剩余项目的研究报告等待批准,并希望在年内得到审查结果。布拉德利博士尚未提交申请报告。
  The FDA is concerned mainly with the healthfulness of what people put in their mouths, and it seems unlikely that either of the new procedures will yield something that is unsafe to eat. There is, however, a second consideration—one that always pertains in matters of biotechnology. Namely, what happens if the creatures escape and start breeding in the wild?
  For that to be a problem, it would have to be the case that the modified fish were better at surviving and reproducing than those honed by millions of years of natural selection. On the face of it, this seems unlikely, because the characteristics that have been engineered into them are ones designed to make them into better food, rather than lean, mean breeding machines.
  There is, however, one chink in this argument. As Mark Abrahams, a biologist at Memorial University in Newfoundland, points out, it is not just the fish that have been modified by man, but also the environment in which they would swim if they escaped. Specifically, many of the creatures that eat salmon and trout, such as bears and some birds, have had their ranks thinned by human activity.
  Dr Abrahams thinks it possible that fast-growing salmon could displace the natural sort in places where predators are rare. His reasoning is that fish which grow fast need more food and must take more risks to get it. Normally, that would expose them to predation. With fewer predators around, though, this natural brake on “enhanced” salmon would be gone and they might, indeed, take over from the natural ones.
  It is a risk, certainly, though it might not come to pass even in the absence of precautions. But Aqua Bounty is already building in such precautions. It does so by subjecting the developing eggs to high pressures. This alters their complement of chromosomes, giving them three sets per cell instead of the usual two. Such “triploid” fish are perfectly viable, but they are sterile. Only a small, sequestered breeding stock is allowed to remain diploid.
  尽管在缺乏预防措施的情况下也不一定就会出现这种情况,但存在这种风险是不容否定的。但是Aqua Bounty 公司已经建立了这种预防措施。它将正在发育的鱼卵置于高压之下。这会改变其染色体的数量,使每个细胞产生三对染色体,而通常每个细胞只有两对染色体。这种三染色体鱼可以正常生长,但不能生育。只有一小群被隔离饲养的种鱼保持着双染色体。
  The company claims a 99% success rate with its pressurising technique which, according to John Buchanan, its research director, meets the FDA’s requirements. As for the trout, Dr Bradley says his fish have enough trouble breeding on their own for it to be unlikely that they would do well in the wild. To get them to lay eggs and produce milt (seminal fluid) you have to squeeze them by hand. He says, though, that his fish could also be made triploid if necessary.
  As a belt-and-braces protection against accidental release, it might also be possible to raise the new fish in isolated tanks on land, rather than in caged-off areas of rivers or the sea. Catfish, carp and tilapia are often bred this way. Salmon and trout are more sensitive to water quality, making land-based systems more expensive. There are, however, pilot projects for salmon in Vancouver.
  The result, if all goes well, will be that animals follow plants down the biotech route. Whether people will actually want to buy or eat the new fish is a different matter—though they buy the meat of Belgian blue cattle at a premium. Perhaps clever marketing could make “double-muscled” fish into a premium product, too. If people will pay extra for meat from a monstrosity like the Belgian blue, anything is possible.

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