"Snapped" 在英语中有几个含义,具体取决于上下文。一般来说,"snapped" 可以表示:
1. 突然、迅速地动作或行动。例如: "The camera snapped the moment they kissed."(相机迅速捕捉到他们亲吻的瞬间。)
2. 发出咔嚓声。例如: "The rubber band snapped when I tried to stretch it."(我试图拉伸橡皮筋时,它突然发出咔嚓声。)
3. 突然、情绪激动地表达或说出某事。例如: "He snapped at his wife for no reason."(他毫无理由地对妻子发脾气。)
4. 折断、断裂。例如: "The branch snapped under the weight of the snow."(树枝在雪的重量下突然折断了。)
总的来说,"snapped" 通常表示某种突然、迅速或情绪化的行为或状态。
1. snap at:突然咬或抓,表示突然攻击或咬人。
例句:The dog snapped at the stranger who was walking by.
2. snap up:快速抓住或购买,表示迅速做出决定或行动。
例句:The store was packed and customers were snapping up everything in sight.
3. snap decision:突然的决定,表示在短时间内做出的决定。
例句:He made a snap decision to quit his job and travel the world.
4. snap in/out:突然打开或关闭,表示快速的动作。
例句:The door snapped in when the key turned.
5. snap judgment:仓促的判断,表示在短时间内做出的不经过深思熟虑的判断。
例句:He made a snap judgment about someone"s character without knowing them well.