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来源:网校头条 2019-12-12 09:31:36
  第一节 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
  在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
  A hutong is an ancient city street typical in Beijing. 1.____________ (surround) the Forbidden City, many were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing 2.____________ (dynasty). In order to establish the strongest power, emperors planned the city and arranged the residential areas. 3.____________ center of the city Beijing was the royal palace—the Forbidden City.
  At the end of the Qing dynasty, after 4.____________ (close) China came under the influence from abroad, many old hutongs lost 5.____________ (they) former neat arrangement.
  After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the conditions of hutong 6.____________ (improve). But in recent years, the houses in many hutongs have been pulled 7.____________ and replaced by modern buildings. And the hutong today is fading into the shade for 8.____________ tourists and local people.
  However,in the urban district of Beijing, hutongs still occupy one 9.____________ (three) of the total area, providing housing for half population, so many hutongs 10.____________ (survive) these years. In this respect, we see Beijing as an ancient yet modern city.
  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  My Hero
  What does it mean to be a hero? I think a hero is someone who goes out of his way to make others happy. My hero is Mr. Wright, my chorus(合唱队) teacher.
  When I was 12 years old, my grandparents passed away. I was really close to them, and losing them was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to 11 through. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or think; I felt like I couldn’t even breathe. It was as if my whole world had fallen down from under me, and I12 into this huge hole of depression(抑郁).
  13I was battling depression, I was determined to make my high school years the best of my life. It was difficult to be 14, but I had to try. I joined Women’s Choir. Mr. Wright was the choral director and he was so funny that the first day, I just knew I had made the best 15 of my life.
  As the year progressed, I loved chorus more and more. I began to smile again and really enjoy 16 .
  Then one day that all changed. My friends—or those that I thought were my friends—started talking about me behind my back. I was 17 , and I sat by myself. Mr. Wright came over and asked what was wrong. The look in his eyes told me that I could18 him. Trying hard to 19 back tears, I told him the whole story.
  When I finished, he nodded and told me, “If you never learn anything from me, learn this: No one is worth20your joy.” What Mr. Wright said really 21 a chord (心弦) in my heart. He22 cared about me and what was going on. I’ll never be able to thank him enough, because he not only saved me but has 23 every day of it since. Any time I feel like giving 24 , I remember Mr. Wright’s words and push forward.
  I’m proud to say that I25 my depression, and I’m now a senior. I’m still a 26 of chorus, and now I’m also in the best choir at my school.
  Mr. Wright is a hero 27 everyone he meets. He cares about every single person who walks through his door, and he loves what he does more than any other teacher I’ve known. That’s 28 he deserves to be Educator of the Year. He deserves the 29 not just this year but every year.
  I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet you, Mr. Wright. You are an30 teacher, and I hope you realize that. You’re my hero.
  11. A. put B. walk C. run D. go
  12. A. looked B. broke C. fell D. turned
  13. A. If B. Although C. Because D. Once
  14. A. happy B. calm C. smart D. confident
  15. A. suggestion B. decision C. effort D. offer
  16. A. care B. nature C. health D. life
  17. A. refused B. forgotten C. hurt D. trapped
  18. A. trust B. impress C. respect D. satisfy
  19. A. set B. fight C. take D. call
  20. A. stealing B. sharing C. hiding D. feeling
  21. A. braked B. struck C. played D. shook
  22. A. cheerfully B. normally C. exactly D. truly
  23. A. made B. started C. understood D. influenced
  24. A. off B. out C. up D. away
  25. A. beat B. suffered C. developed D. saved
  26. A. leader B. part C. fan D. dancer
  27. A. about B. with C. to D. at
  28. A. when B. what C. where D. why
  29. A. title B. job C. help D. name
  30. A. amusing B. ambitious C. amazing D. advanced
  Island of Feelings
  Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others, including Love.
  One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared their boats to leave.
  Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment.
  When the island was almost totally under, Love decided it was time to leave.
  She began looking for someone to ask for help. Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, “Richness, can I come with you on your boat?”
  Richness answered, “I’m sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere.”
  Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing by in a beautiful vessel. Love cried out, “Vanity, help me please!”“I can’t help you,” Vanity said, “You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat.”
  Next, Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, “Sadness, please let me go with you.”
  Sadness answered, “Love, I’m sorry, but, I just need to be alone now.”
  Then, Love saw Happiness. Love cried out, “Happiness, please take me with you.” But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn’t hear Love calling to him.
  Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder.
  Love then found Knowledge and asked, “Who was it that helped me?”“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “But why did Time help me when no one else would?” Love asked.
  Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”
  31.Which one was the last to leave the island?
  A. Happiness B. Sadness C. Richness D. Love
  32.How many feelings in all are mentioned in the passage?
  A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
  33.Who is the elder?
  A. Knowledge B. Time C. Love D. Happiness
  34.Which one is both clever and honest?
  A. Knowledge B. Time C. Love D. Happiness
  “Tomorrow we will see the Golden Gate Bridge,” said Peter. “I have never seen a golden bridge before.”
  Peter's father smiled, but said nothing. Peter would soon see the bridge.
  The next morning, his father took Peter to the bridge. Peter first saw it from far away. How big it looked! But then he saw something else. The bridge was red!
  “The bridge isn't golden!” he said. “Why is it called the Golden Gate Bridge?”
  “It isn't named for its color,” said his father. “It is named for the Golden Gate.”
  “What is the Golden Gate?” asked Peter.
  “A gate is either an opening, or the thing that closes the opening,” said his father. “It is named for the Golden Gate.”
  “What is the Golden Gate?” asked Peter.
  “A gate is either an opening, or the thing that closes the opening,” said his father. “ The Golden Gate is an opening in the land. Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay.”
  “Oh,” said Peter. “And the bridge goes over the opening. But why is the opening called the Golden Gate?”
  “Years ago men came to California to look for gold,” his father said. “Many came by ship. They came into the bay through that opening. For them it was a gate to gold. They named it the Golden Gate.”
  “Well,” said Peter, “I still think the bridge should look golden.”
  When Peter got home, he sent a letter to a California paper. In the letter he said:” Red is not the right color for the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge should look golden, the way most people think it does.”
  Peter sent $14.78 with his letter. It was all the money he had saved. “This money is to help paint the bridge gold, ” he wrote.
  Many people read Peter's letter in the newspaper. Right away, things began to happen! Some people sent money, A big company gave real gold to make gold paint. A paint company made the paint.
  But some people still wanted the bridge to be red!
  Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden? It will, if enough people feel as Peter does. How do you feel about it?
  35.What state is the Golden Bridge in?
  A. San Francisco B. Virginia C. Maryland D. California
  36. What is the bridge named for?
  A. It’s named for its color B. It’s named for the Golden Gate
  C. It’s named for the metal gold D. It’s named for a ship
  37. What does the opening mean to the men who came to California years ago?
  A. It was a way to the U. S. B. It was a road to California
  C. It was an opening to San Francisco D. It was a gate to gold
  38. Why did Peter send a letter to a California paper?
  A. He wanted the bridge to look golden.
  B. Most people wanted him to do so.
  C. He wanted to make an ad.
  D. He wanted to practice his writing.
  Deadly Seafood
  When someone who is in good health dies suddenly, there is usually an inquest (死因调查) in western countries.
  The coroner (验尸官) does this kind of work. His job is to find out exactly how a person died.
  If there is nothing wrong with the death, he will decide that the person died from natural causes or an accident. If, however, he is suspicious, he may decide that a person or persons unknown caused the person's death.
  At one inquest, the coroner was trying to find out exactly what had caused the death of a businessman, Henry Smith.
  The man's wife was giving her evidence (证据).She was very sad and had to stop from time to time.
  The coroner did not want to make her more unhappy than necessary, but he had to find out the truth. There were questions he had to ask her.
  "Mrs. Smith, I know this is painful for you, " he said, "but I want you to think very carefully and then answer my questions. You and your husband were having dinner at home. Is that correct?"
  "Suddenly he fell to the floor?"
  "You stood up and hurried to him? You stood beside him? He was in great pain?"
  "Did he say anything?"
  The wife lowered her head.
  "Please, Mrs.Smith, you must answer the question. What were his last words?"
  The wife breathed and then spoke. "He said, " she whispered, "I'm not surprised you were asked for only 50 cents for that seafood we had for dinner."
  39. What needs to be done when a healthy person dies suddenly?
  A. The person should be sent to his family at once.
  B. An inquest is usually needed to find the cause.
  C. The person should be buried immediately without making any investigations.
  D. Nothing needs to be done.
  40. What were Henry Smith's last words?
  A. He said he had always loved his wife.
  B. He said the seafood was the cause of his death.
  C. He said the wife should have paid more for the seafood.
  D. He said he was very regretful.
  41. What can be inferred from this passage?
  A. 50 cents was too little to be able to buy fresh and healthy seafood.
  B. Seafood was expensive.
  C. People selling deadly seafood should be punished.
  D. Seafood should be cooked properly before eating.
  It was 1848. A carriage stopped in front of the best hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. The hotel man came out to meet his new guests.
  A black servant (仆人) opened the carriage door. In the carriage sat the servant's master, a young white man. He wore green glasses. He was well dressed. He appeared to be a rich young farmer. But it seemed he had been hurt. One arm was covered by a bandage (绷带).Another bandage covered part of his face.
  The young man presented himself. He was William Johnson, he said, He had had an accident while traveling. The hotel man was sorry to hear it. Johnson's servant and the hotel man helped him inside.
  At the hotel desk there was a book to sign, but this guest could not sign it. His arm was hurt. "That's all right, " said the hotel man, "I'll put your name in the book."
  Johnson's servant helped him to his room. The door closed behind them. There William Johnson took off the bandages. The dark glasses came off too. The "young farmer" was really Ellen Craft, a black woman! She was escaping from slavery in Georgia. His "servant" was really her husband, William Craft. They were on their way to the North. In the North there was no slavery. They would be free there.
  It was dangerous to go north. Slaves could not travel unless their owners allowed it. The Crafts had to plan their escape very carefully.
  Ellen's skin was very light. People had often thought that she was white. For their escape she would cut her hair short and dress as a man. She would pretend to be a white slave owner. William would act as her slave. Then no one would stop them. But Ellen could not read or write. What would she do if someone asked her to write her name? She would pretend that her arm was hurt! She'd covered it by a bandage. Then no one would expect her to write. Another bandage on her face would help keep people from seeing who she was. It was a daring (大胆的) plan. Ellen and William were afraid. But they wanted to be free.
  They began to buy pieces of clothes they would need. They kept these hidden. Ellen had to make the trousers she would wear. She did it in a secret way. William found a pair of dark glasses for Ellen. At last they were ready.
  They started their trip by train. At last they reached Boston. They were free!
  42. According to the text, why did they escape?
  A. There was a flood in their hometown. B. They were guilty.
  C. They wanted to be free. D. They were chased by some people.
  43. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. The two were traveling around the world.
  B. The woman was a real white woman.
  C. They were caught by their master later.
  D. They got their freedom.
  44. What can be concluded from this passage?
  A. People in the North would warmly welcome them.
  B. It would cost them lots of money to escape to the North.
  C. It was quite easy for them to make this trip.
  D. They had got a permission from their owners.
  45. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
  A. Slavery in America B. Fighting for slavery
  C. The Daring Escape D. Unequality in America
  Every boy and every girl expects their parents to give them more pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amount? 46
  The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. 47 Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money.
  First of all, children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. At first, some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time. 48
  In order to encourage their children to do some housework, some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home. Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that. 49
  Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. 50  Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice(牺牲). Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing(投资) for children.
  A. They can save it for future use.
  B. Timing is another consideration
  C. As helping at home is a normal part of family life.
  D. Some children are not good at managing their pocket money.
  E. Learning how to get money is very important for every child.
  F. One main purpose is to let kids learn how to manage their own money.
  G. By doing so, these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget(预算).
  1. 表示祝贺;
  2. 说明可能会遇到的文化差异;
  3. 提出建议。
  Dear Jim,
  Li Hua
  2.解析:考查名词复数。根据该句中的“Yuan,Ming and Qing”可知,该处指三个朝代,dynasty为可数名词,故该处用复数形式。
  3.解析:考查定冠词。北京城的中心是皇宫——紫禁城。根据该句中的“of the city Beijing”可知,该处特指“北京城的中心”,故用定冠词The。
  5.解析:考查代词。根据空后的名词短语“former neat arrangement”可知,空处修饰该名词短语,故用形容词性物主代词。
  6.解析:考查动词的时态和语态。1949年中华人民共和国成立以后,胡同的状况得到了改善。该句主语为“hutong conditions”,和动词improve之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态;根据该句中的时间状语可知,该句介绍过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。
  答案:were improved
  7.解析:考查介词。但是近年来,许多胡同中的房子被拆毁,取而代之的是现代化的建筑。pull down为固定搭配,意为“拆毁”。
  10.解析:考查动词的时态。根据该句中的“still occupy”可知,该空表示过去的动作一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时。
  答案:have survived
  Dear Jim,
  I’m happy to know that you will come to China to study and stay with a host family. Congratulations! It will be a great chance to learn Chinese culture.
  However. I would like to remind you that some cultural shocks do exist. Take greeting people for example, when you first meet someone in your country, you might hug and kiss him or her.But in China it is not a common practice.I think the best way of greeting is to shake hands. Shaking hands is a friendly greeting in Chinese situation.
  If you are unsure what to do, it is wise to remember the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”andyou’ll be quite well accepted by Chinese.
  Hope you have a pleasant stay in China.
  Best wishes.

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