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来源:网校头条 2020-04-27 07:49:02

  第Ⅰ卷  (共105分)
  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)
  第一节  单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  1.  Mr. Brown works in ____ middle school. It is ____ school built in the 16th century.
  A. a;a                 B. a;the            C. the;a            D. the;the
  2.  ______ in the 1800s in the United States, the film became a success when it came out.
  A. To set              B. Setting           C. Being set        D. Set
  3. — Where did you get to know her?
  — On the farm ______ we both once worked in the 1970s.
  A. when                B. which             C. where             D. that
  4._____ you are aware of the trick used in advertisements, you won’t be eager to buy it.
  A. Whether           B. Until               C. Though           D. Once
  5. More and more people are learning to surf the Internet, ______ advantage of the convenience and efficiency benefits.
  A. taking               B. taken             C. having taken    D. having been taken
  6.  —I am crazy about English now.
  — But I still remember how you _____ it.
  A. hate                  B. have hated     C. hated              D. had hated
  7. His speech is so confusing that it's difficult to make out ______ he is trying to express.
  A. that                   B. how              C. who                 D. what
  8. —A second, please. I have another call coming through.
  —______. I’m not in a hurry.
  A. Enjoy yourself     B. Leave me alone         C. Do as you like       D. Take your time
  9. Would you please keep silent? The news that the milk contains a harmful chemical ______ and I want to listen.
  A. has been broadcast       B. is broadcast       C. is being broadcast       D. is broadcasting
  10.—There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow______?
  — No, I'd rather buy ______ in the bookstore.
  A. it; it       B. one; one       C. one; it           D. it; one
  第二节  完形填空( 共30小题,满分40分。A篇共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分;B篇共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  A man had a little daughter. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became   11  , he became mad, moving heaven and earth to bring her back to health. His best efforts, however, proved   12   and the child died.
  The sad father shut himself away from his friends and   13   every activity that might bring him back to his   14   self. But one night he had a dream. He was in   15  , witnessing a grand pageant(盛会)of all the little child angels. They were   16   in a line passing by the Great White Throne (天宫)。 Every child carried a candle. He   17   that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl.   18   to her, he seized her in his arms and asked, ''How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted? ''  ''Daddy, they often relight it, but your   19   always put it out.''
  Just then he awoke from his dream. From that hour on he decided to   20   his sorrow, and returned cheerfully to his former friends. No longer would his darling's candle be put out by his useless tears.
  11. A. ill             B. sad              C. angry      D. fine
  12. A. selfless     B. necessary     C. helpful     D. useless
  13. A. refused     B. attended      C. enjoyed   D. tried
  14. A. narrow      B. normal         C. native      D. happy
  15. A. sky           B. heaven         C. street      D. town
  16. A. laughing    B. practicing     C. standing   D. marching
  17. A. remembered   B. feared     C. noticed     D. prayed
  18. A. Walking     B. Talking         C. Rushing    D. Smiling
  19. A. tears        B. hands           C. dreams     D. worries
  20. A. regret       B. forget          C. hide           D. delay
  There were two teenage girls in the same school. One had   21   appearance, wealthy family background and remarkable study records. She entered a good   22   after high school. The other, who was less attractive, with   23   background and worse records, entered a TAFE (Technical and Further Education) and became a receptionist at a five-star hotel.
  With no   24  , the first girl got a job in a big company, got to know someone who was well-educated,   25  and wealthy. They went on a marriage after a two-year's love relationship.
  26   thought it was a marriage that was made by the Heaven.
  The other girl got to know a visiting Professor from USA   27   at work. People had no idea how they would finally get   28   with a large age gap and poorer communications in English, but anyway, both of them seemed to be   29   about each other.
  Later on, the first girl gave birth to a baby girl. The   30   had been OK for a few years; however, with the growth of her husband's   31  , the man started having some affairs with other women, which came to light one day and were   32   by a divorce. What's worse, she had no  33   inre-gaining her happiness. Presently she is still alone and lonely.
  How about the other one? Later on, she went to the States,   34   two children. She went to university while looking after her children. Once the children   35   their school age, she had already gained graduate   36   for accounting and went to work more professionally. She had a  37  life (not only in everyday life but also mentally)。 She now has a good career,   38   life and social circle. Life seems to have been kind to her. But we can see she   39   her own opportunity and happiness.
  Life is a long run. The longer distance in a race, the less   40   the starting point is. So just work and try harder.
  21. A. poor         B. bad           C. rich          D. good
  22. A. family       B. university   C. hospital    D. job
  23. A. perfect     B. ordinary      C. strong     D. pretty
  24. A. exception   B. influence    C. connection      D. information
  25. A. cautious     B. handsome  C. disabled         D. beautiful
  26. A. Someone    B. Anyone      C. Everyone       D. No one
  27. A. by heart      B. by mistake  C. by skill          D. by chance
  28. A. praised       B. admired       C. married        D. changed
  29. A. happy         B. foreign        C. lucky           D. careful
  30. A. marriage     B. society        C. generation    D. influence
  31. A. health         B. strength     C. warmth         D. wealth
  32. A. quarreled     B. argued       C. received        D. followed
  33. A. convenience  B. confidence  C. patience        D. practice
  34. A. brought        B. provided     C. mothered     D. occupied
  35. A. touched        B. reached      C. got              D. arrived
  36. A. certificate      B. application      C. association    D. appetite
  37. A. worrying       B. disappointing    C. satisfying    D. discouraging
  38. A. daily            B. private               C. social         D.family
  39. A. accepted      B. relaxed             C. created        D. missed
  40. A. significant     B. successful       C. violent          D. favorite
  第二部分  阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)
  Miss Benson was the kindest and sweetest person that ever walked the earth. She was my second-grade teacher, and I was going to marry her when I grew up. I would sit in my seat for the entire morning. I wouldn’t miss one moment for her presence by leaving the room.
  My hand was always the first to be raised when Miss Benson called for volunteers to clean the blackboards or gather papers. I would arrange and rearrange the papers. They had to be in perfect order before I went back to my seat unwillingly.
  Early in the term, I started asking my mother to put an extra apple or peach in my lunch, but I never quite worked up the courage to hand my gift to her directly. Each day the delicacy (美味)found its way unobserved to the corner of her desk. And each day the response was the same.
  ''Why, how nice!'' She would pick up the offering and asked: ''What thoughtful little boy or girl brought me this?''
  No one claimed the honor, least of all me. I kept my head down, looking at my desk.
  ''Can it be that I have a secret admirer?'' she added.
  I would feel the red rising in my face. I was certain that everyone was looking at me, and I would sigh with relief when Miss Benson put the fruit away and started the lesson.
  Friday was Miss Benson's birthday. Everyone wanted to get her a present. I would give her something, openly. That afternoon was spent combing the fields for wild flowers. Not many were in bloom at that time of year, but finally I managed a patch of beautiful flowers…
  In the morning I went to the desk and gave the beautiful flowers to Miss Benson. She accepted them happily and held them to her cheek for a moment. My reward was a smile and a pat on the head.
  The next Monday, Miss Benson was not in class. About the middle of the morning, I was asked to go to the headmaster's office. When I arrived, I was surprised to see my mother. On a table were my beautiful flowers…
  In the end I was told that the flowers were poisonous.
  41. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
  A. Miss Benson would marry the boy.
  B. Miss Benson was the kindest in everyone’s eyes.
  C. The boy liked his teacher very much.
  D. The boy never left his seat in the morning.
  42. From the second paragraph we know that ______.
  A. the boy was the only one who liked to work for the teacher
  B. the boy was eager to stay with his teacher
  C. the papers were not easy to arrange
  D. when the papers were in perfect order, the boy was glad to return to his seat
  43. Which of the following is true?
  A. Sometimes the boy handed his gift to his teacher directly.
  B. Some classmates of the boy's noticed him put his gift on the corner of her desk.
  C. The boy was too shy to give his gift to his teacher.
  D. The teacher knew the boy was her secret admirer.
  44. How did the boy get the flowers to Miss Benson?
  A. He bought the flowers from a flower shop.
  B. He planted the flowers by himself.
  C. His mother got the flowers for him.
  D. He gathered the flowers in the field.
  45. What might have happened to Miss Benson?
  A. She asked for leave to get married.
  B. She got ill because of the flowers.
  C. She gave the flowers to the boy's mother.
  D. She was punished by the headmaster for patting the boy.
  My friends, as you know, my television career began unexpectedly. I was 16 years old in Nashville, Tennessee and I was in the Miss Fire Prevention contest. They had the requirement of having to have red hair in the final part until the year I entered the final. And to my joy the swimsuit competition was also cancelled. That year they were doing the question and answer period.
  ''Why, young lady, what would you like to be when you grow up?''And by the time they got to me all the good answers were gone. I had seen Barbara Walters on the Today Show that morning so I answered: ''I would like to be a journalist. I would like to tell other people's stories in a way that makes a difference in their lives and the world.''And as these words were coming out of my mouth, I went whoa! This is pretty good! I would like to be a journalist. I want to make a difference. Well I was on television by the time I was 19 years old.
  And in 1986 I launched my own television show with the determination to succeed at first. I was nervous about the competition and then I had no competitor but I still pushed myself as hard as I before. Eventually we did make it to the top and we stayed there for 25years.
  The Oprah Winfrey Show was number one for 21 years and I have to tell you I became pretty comfortable with that level of success. But a few years ago I decided that it was time to break new ground. So I ended the show and launched OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. But only one year later after launching OWN nearly every media said that my new attempt was a failure. Not just a failure but a big failure they called it. I can still remember the day I opened up USA Today and read the headline ''Oprah, not quite standing on her OWN.''I mean really, USA Today? Now that's the nice newspaper! This time last year was really the worst period in my professional life.
  46. From the first paragraph we can know that ______.
  A. she was sure of her television career at the very beginning
  B. the requirement of having to have red hair changed that year
  C. she was eager to enter the swimsuit competition
  D. she belonged to the first ones to answer the questions
  47. How did she manage to make her television show to the top and stay there for 25 years?
  A. By answering the questions perfectly.
  B.By competing with others.
  C. By working hard.
  D. Through television show.
  48. The reason why she decided to end the television show and break new ground was that ______.
  A. she was too old for the job
  B. her television show was not so successful
  C. she felt too tired and needed a rest
  D. she wanted to try something new
  49. From the last paragraph we know that ______.
  A. OWN was another kind of television show
  B. USA Today thought poorly of my OWN
  C. last year all the media considered my new attempt as a failure
  D. she lost all the hope to succeed
  50. What kind of article does the passage belong to?
  A. A novel      B. A diary        C. A thriller          D. A speech
  Many independent Chinese women like to earn their own bread, even if their husbands are already bringing home the bacon. But a recent survey suggests that such women find more joy from relationships, rather than successful careers.
  About 73 percent of the 7,000 women surveyed in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou said they would choose to work even if their husbands earned enough for the family. The survey also found that 77 percent define happiness as "enjoying a relationship".
  But striking a balance between career and family can bring challenges to the woman's career advancement.
  "In my company, women usually have an equal or even a higher starting salary than men," said Li Hua, general manager of Beijing Chuangjiashe Book Circulation Company. "However, as they begin to climb up the career ladder, women often meet problems along the way, while men can climb the ladder more easily."
  Both physical and emotional differences can prevent some women from taking tough positions, Li said. But family life is often the main difficulty for Chinese career women.
  Despite these challenges, however, some experts believe it's reasonable for some women to want to be breadwinners.
  "In this way, the roles of a family are decided by the parents' abilities rather than their gender(性别)," said Gu Donghui, a sociology professor at Fudan University.
  Gu says women should have the freedom to decide if they want to stay at home or work to support the family. "Everyone has a different interpretation(解释)of what it means to find self-worth".
  Wang Haibin, an economic expert from Renmin University shares that view: "Traditionally, we tend to regard the family as the cell unit of society. Some members have always been expected to make sacrifices for it. But, it really doesn't matter who earns more. Economic independence and personal choice is essential for both sexes in the family."
  51.     From the passage we know that ______.
  A. many husbands can’t earn enough
  B. most women want to support their families themselves
  C. women meet fewer problems than men while working
  D. many women want to make more friends while working
  52. What brings career women more joy and happiness according to the passage?
  A. Money        B. Relationships     C. Challenges       D. Successful careers
  53. What's the main problem that career women meet while working?
  A. Family life     B. Tough positions    C. Physical difference       D. The career ladder
  54.     Some women want to be breadwinners probably because ______.
  A. their families are poor
  B. they have a lot of children
  C. they want to show their self-worth
  D. their husbands do not work
  55. Who should make sacrifice for the family according to the passage?
  A. The wife       B. The husband       C. Either of them        D. Neither of them
  Beloved teacher Michael Landsberry, a former Marine, died a hero at Sparks Middle School in Nevada on Monday in another tragic campus shooting.
  The 45-year-old was killed while trying to talk to the unidentified 12-year-old gunman, who later killed himself.
  "He was telling him to stop and put the gun down," student Jose Cazares told Today on Tuesday. "Then the kid, he yelled out, 'No!' Like, he was yelling at him, and he shot him. The teacher was calm, he was holding out his hand like, 'Put the gun in my hand.' "
  Students, parents and fellow teachers are calling Landsberry's actions heroic. Tom Robinson, vice chief with the Reno Police Department, also praised him, saying, "In my estimation, he is a hero. We do know he was trying to intervene (干预,调停)。"
  Landsberry, who went by the nickname Batman, and coached sports teams at the middle school and neighboring high school, was remembered fondly on social media by many students.
  "It's just so sad knowing he left because he protected his students," one of the posts said, followed by another that read, "The sad part is this week it's his and his wife's anniversary and his daughter graduates from the military tomorrow."
  CNN reports that two students who were wounded by the shooter – who used a Ruger 9 mm semi-automatic(半自动的) handgun – are currently in stable condition in hospital.
  Authorities will not be releasing the identity (身份)of the shooter out of respect for his parents, but schoolmate Amaya Newton was shocked by his actions, calling the gunman "a really nice kid," adding, "He would make you smile when you were having a bad day."
  "Everybody wants to know why the shooter opened fire," Sparks vice chief Tom Miller said at a news conference. "That's the big question. The answer is we don't know right now, but we are trying to determine why."
  56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
  A. Landsberry and Marrine were killed in the shooting.
  B. Only Landsberry died in the shooting.
  C. The shooter killed Landsberry and was later killed by the police.
  D. No one knows why the shooter opened fire.
  57. What did Michael Landsberry do in the shooting?
  A. He killed the shooter.
  B. He protected two students from being killed.
  C. He tried to persuade the shooter to put down his gun.
  D. He yelled at the shooter and was killed.
  58. From the passage, we know _______.
  A. the gunman was mad
  B. many students thought highly of Landsberry's action
  C. one of the wounded students died later in the hospital
  D. the police didn't find out who the shooter was
  59. Why didn't the police let out the shooter's identity?
  A. Because they wanted to arrest the shooter's parents.
  B. Because the police didn't know who the shooter was.
  C. Because the shooter was once a nice kid.
  D. Because the police didn’t want to affect the shooter's parents'life.
  60. What happened after the incident?
  A. The police arrived shortly after the shooting.
  B. Only students, parents and fellow teachers called Landsberry a hero.
  C. His daughter didn't graduate from the military as a result of the shooting.
  D. The two wounded students were out of danger.
  Born in America in 1898, William was an extraordinary boy, gifted with an amazing IQ between 250 and 300. The genius went to a grammar school when he was only 6 years old and graduated just within 7 months. At the age of 11, he became the youngest student of the Harvard University. He graduated with high scores at the age of 16 and entered Harvard Law School at 18.
  Gifted with an amazing IQ between 220 and 230, Terence Tao makes it to this list of the people with the highest IQ in the world. Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1975, this genius first displayed his incredible intelligence at a mere age of 2, when he managed to solve basic arithmetic questions on his own. At the age of 16, he graduated with both Master's and Bachelor's degrees at the Flinders University. He has been considered as ''Mr. Fix it " by Charles Fefferman, who is a professor of Mathematics at Princeton University, and many other mathematicians want to interest him in their problems.
  This 31-year-old Japanese-American astrophysicist lands him third in this list. At the age of 12, Christopher Hirata already worked on college-level courses, around the time most of us were just in the 7th grade. At the age of 13, this gifted kid became the youngest American to have ever won the gold medal in the International physics Olympiad.
  At the age of 16, he was already working with NASA on its project to conquer planet Mars. After he was awarded the Ph.D. at Princeton University, he went back to California Institute of Technology.
  The next person with very high IQ is Albert Einstein. With an IQ between 160 and 190, Albert Einstein is the genius behind the theory of relativity, which has had great impact on the world of science. He possessed such an amazing ability that after his death, researchers were eager to preserve and make research on his brain in search for clues to his exceptional brilliance, which to this day, has remained a mystery.
  61. About William, which of the following is true?
  A. His IQ reached between 220 and 230.
  B. At the age of 16, he graduated from a grammar school.
  C. At the age of 6, he graduated with both Master's and Bachelor's degrees.
  D. At the age of 11, he became the youngest student at the Harvard University.
  62. How many people with remarkable IQ are mentioned in the passage?
  A. 3           B.4          C.5          D.6
  63. Who once worked on the project to conquer planet Mars?
  A. William        B. Terence Tao          C. Christopher Hirata            D. Abert Einstein
  64. From the passage we can know that______.
  A. when William graduated from the Harvard University, he got the highest scores
  B. at the age of 2, Terence solved basic arithmetic questions on his own
  C. Christopher Hirata is a Japanese
  D. researchers have found out why Albert Einstein was so brilliant
  65. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?
  A. The most gifted college students in the world.
  B. The most famous people in the world.
  C. People with the highest IQ Ever Recorded.
  D. The most famous inventors.
  第三部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
  [ 1 ] William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865. His childhood lacked the harmony(和睦)that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered "little of childhood but its pain". In fact, he inherited(继承)excellent taste in art from his family — both his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama and poetry.
  [ 2 ] Yeats had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s. His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at the beginning. He didn't lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.
  [ 3 ] Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.
  [ 4 ] He had not enjoyed a major public life since winning the Nobel Prize in 1923. Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life. ______________, he would probably now be valued as a minor(不重要的)poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75. After Yeats's Death in 1939, W. H. Auden wrote, among others, the following lines:
  Earth, receive an honored guest:
  William Yeats is laid to rest.
  Let the Irish vessel(船) lie
  Emptied of its poetry.
  66. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?  (no more than 10 words )
  67. Explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 2. ( no more than 10 words)
  68. What does the underlined word "them" in paragraph 3 refer to?( no more than 5 words)
  69. Fill in the blanks in the last paragraph with proper words (no more than 10 words)
  70. What can you learn from Yeats as a writer? (no more than 10 words)
  假如你是李华,学校学生会主席。为办好学校今年的英语周,你写信给以前的外教Tom 征求意见,信的内容包括以下几个方面:
  1.询问Tom 现在的工作和生活情况;
  2.介绍 学校''英语周'' 活动打算(如:英语演讲比赛等);
  3.请Tom 给出建议。
  1. 词数120-150;
  2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
  3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
  第Ⅰ 卷
  第一节  (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  1-5 A DCDA    6-10  CDDCD
  第二节   完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  11-15 ADABB      16-20      DCCAB
  21-25 DBBAB   26-30 CDCAA      31-35 DDBCB      36-40 ACDCA
  41-45 CBCDB   46-50 BCDBD    51-55 DBACC   56-60 DCBD D   61-65 DBCBC
  66. The family background of William Butler Yeats/
  67. His early theatrical experiments were not successful/ popular at the beginning
  His early theatrical experiments were not widely accepted.
  68. Yeats's poems
  69. Had Yeats stopped writing at an early age / when he was young.
  If Yeats had stopped / given up writing at an early age / when he was young
  If Yeats hadn't insisted on / continued writing all his life.
  70. Persistence makes success.
  Persistence leads to success.
  Success belongs to preserving.
  Perseverance means victory.
  Never give up/ Stick to your aim, and you’ll succeed.
  We should be determined.
  优秀档(26-29) :紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文较为流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,语言小错不超过6个。
  2. 词数若少于120字,从应得分中扣2分。
  3. 关于大错、小错。

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