A Chinese flatbottomed ship with a high poop and battened sails. 中国式帆船一种中国式平底帆船,有高高的艉楼和固定的船帆
He barked a short laugh in my ear and strode away to the weather side of the poop . 他在我的耳边象狗叫般一笑,踱到船尾楼甲板的上风方向去了。
All he does is eat,sleep and poop. 他所有会做的就是吃喝拉撒睡。
She gave me all the poop on the company party. 她将有关公司的全部内幕情况都告诉了我
If Georeg did something new.Georg usually poops before the show, and if he doesn"t poop beforehand, it"s bad luck. 大G通常在演出前都会觉得很疲倦,如果他觉得不疲倦的话,那么这将会是不幸的一天。
The huge seas are beginning to poop the ship badly. 巨浪开始猛烈地冲击船的尾部。
You should poop at least once per day under normal circumstances. 正常情况下,你每天至少应该大便一次。