honour是什么意思,honour怎么读 语音:
美音 [ˈɑnɚ]
n. 荣誉,光荣;尊重;名誉,面子;节操
vt. 尊敬;以…为荣;[金融] 承兑,兑现
英 ["ɒnə(r)];美 ["ɑːnər]:荣誉;尊敬;荣幸;给予荣誉;纪念;庆祝
vt. 尊敬;给…以荣誉;赞美;使…感到光荣
n. 荣誉;尊敬;纪念;荣幸
例句:I have the honour to inform you that the company is willing to cooperate with you.
复数: honours
第三人称单数: honours
过去式: honoured
过去分词: honoured
现在分词: honouring
易混淆的单词: Honour
- He has the best claim to the honour.
他最有资格获得这荣誉。 - His action profaned the honour of his country.
他的行为玷污了国家的荣誉。 - I also have the desire to take the light-welterweight title, and it"s a big honour to be in another fight which the fans want to see.
我要拿下超轻量级头衔,拳迷喜欢这样的比赛,我深感荣幸。 - You do us a great honour by attending.
你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸。 - We esteem it an honour to be invited.
- Children should honour their father and mother.
小孩应该尊敬他们的父母。 - Nevertheless, my name will be remembered, and men will honour me.
尽管如此,我的名字总会有人记得,人们会尊敬我。 - You must honour him who will honour you.
你必须尊重别人,他才会尊重你。 - We demand that they honour this agreement .
我们要求他们信守这一协议。 - The strong powers must honour their commitments to smaller nations.
大国应该履行对小国所作的承诺。 - The bank will not always honour your debts.
银行不会总是给你承兑债务。 - Fifty heads of state attended the Queen"s coronation to do her honour.
五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。 - They remove their hats to honour the flag.
1. to do one"s duty 履行职责
2. to be in one"s debt 表示感谢
3. to pay one"s respects 拜访
4. to be in one"s debt 表示欠某人的人情
5. to be in high/vital/distinguished/etc. esteem 在某人心目中地位很高
6. to be in the highest/vital/distinguished/etc. esteem 在某人心目中非常尊敬
7. to have the satisfaction of doing something 感到做某事很满意
8. to be highly regarded for one"s qualities 因其品质而受到高度评价