1. be awarded the honorary title:获得荣誉称号
2. be elected as an honorary member:被选为荣誉会员
3. be given the honorary degree:获得荣誉学位
4. be appointed as an honorary ambassador:被任命为荣誉大使
5. be elected as an honorary chairman:被选为荣誉主席
6. be bestowed with the honorary medal:获得荣誉勋章
7. be elected as an honorary trustee:被选为荣誉受托人
8. be recognized as an honorary doctor:被授予荣誉博士头衔
9. be elected as an honorary fellow:被选为荣誉院士
10. be awarded the honorary medal
medal for outstanding contributions:获得杰出贡献荣誉奖牌