“charges”的意思是:n. (支付的)费用,罚款;v. 控告,指责。
1. Charges for (something):表示为某物收费或收取费用。
Example: "The hotel charges for Wi-Fi access."
2. Discharging Charge:表示放电或解除充电状态。
Example: "The battery was discharged before it could be charged."
3. Charging Stem:电池或充电器的充电针。
Example: "The battery has a charging stem that needs to be inserted into the charger."
4. Charging Time:表示充电所需的时间。
Example: "The battery takes about three hours to fully charge."
5. Charged Particles:带有电荷的粒子,通常在物理和电气工程领域中使用。
Example: "The experiment generated a significant number of charged particles that were detected by the detector."