"Depressing" 在英语中通常用来形容某事或某物令人感到沮丧或压抑。它通常用于描述一种负面或消极的情绪,特别是在面对困难、挑战或失去希望的情况下。例如,当一个人说某件事情 "很 depressing" 时,他们可能是在表达这件事让他们感到非常失落或无助。
1. feel/experience/suffer from a sense of depression/depressing mood
2. a depressing situation/environment
3. a depressing thought/idea
4. the depressing reality/truth
5. the depressing news/report
6. a heavy/gloomy/melancholic atmosphere that is depressing
7. a feeling of hopelessness and despair that is depressing
8. a downbeat/negative outlook that is depressing