A day"s watching persuaded him that the goblins had moved on, perhaps in search of richer pickings. 在远处进行一整天的观察之后,他才相信地精已经离开了,也许是为了寻找更富有的目标。
The difference in Bangladesh is similar to that in Nicargaua, a much richer country, showing it is using resources more effectively. 孟加拉国和更富有的尼加拉瓜之间的受教育差距是相似的,表明孟加拉国更有效率的利用了资源。
1. be richer in (某物)
2. become richer
3. get richer
4. the richer class
5. the richer group
这些短语可以用来描述某个人或团体在某方面变得更富有。例如,"be richer in experience"可以用来描述一个人在经验方面变得更丰富。