fastened是一个动词词组,表示“系上,扎牢”,通常用于描述将某物系在某处,或者将某物固定在某个位置。这个动作可以是主动的,也可以是被动的。例如,“fasten one"s seat belt”就是系安全带的动作。
Thenhefastenedatorchtoeverypair oftails.
Piersinstructedme to be both patient and quite harsh: the branchesthat aren"tfastenedbackneed to be lopped off in order toconcentratealltheenergiesintothe others.
AsuddenthoughtgaveGrethelunusualstrength;shestartedforward,gavetheoldwoman apushwhichsentherrightintothe oven,thensheshuttheiron doorandfastenedthe bolt.
1. fasten sth. onto sb. / sth. 把某物紧扣在某人/某物上
2. fasten one"s attention / gaze / eyes on sth. 把注意力/目光/眼睛集中在某物上
3. fasten one"s seat belt 扣好安全带
4. fasten a knot 打结
5. fasten one"s mind on sth. 把心思集中在某事上
6. fasten the straps of one"s backpack / bag 扣上背包/包的背带
7. fasten the buckle of a belt / shoes 扣上腰带/鞋子的扣子