Bash是Bourne Again Shell的缩写,是一种常用的Unix和Linux操作系统下的 shell 命令解释器。它允许用户在命令行中输入命令并执行,同时提供了许多内置的命令和功能,如文件和目录管理、文本处理、进程控制等。Bash是开源的,可以在多种平台上使用,并且具有高度的可配置性和可扩展性。它广泛应用于系统管理、脚本编写和开发环境中。
1. cd (change directory)
2. ls (list files)
3. pwd (print working directory)
4. mkdir (make directory)
5. rm (remove file or directory)
6. cp (copy file or directory)
7. mv (move file or directory)
8. grep (search for text in files)
9. awk (process text files)
10. sed (stream editor)
11. chmod (change file permissions)
12. chown (change file owner)
13. ln (create symbolic link)
14. find (search for files)
15. diff (compare files)
16. grep -r (search recursively in directory)
17. echo (print text to screen)
18. exit (quit the current program)
19. help (display Bash help documentation)
20. source (execute commands from a file in the current shell session)